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Saturday, July 25, 2015

CIT Texas DPS Confess To the Crimes of Human Exploitation and Military Demoralization District 28th 23rd

Take Action EO 7/23/2015
Take Affirmative Action Today and Reprint every card and Rename these Texas agencies that masquerade as the CIA, United States Secrete Service, and the United State Department. Release the prisoners that were fooled by theses treasonous names and the threat of war against the United States of America by the previous incumbent just arrested for abuse of power. This Naming scheme was part of the Tea Party Rebellion against the United States to hide grand larceny and freely target TS Veterans with intense interrogation Torture on campuses still out of compliance which is all Texas campuses excluding military campuses

Victims know it by the abuse and homicides
and the FBI knows it by police reports

The Way The Texas Legislative Branch is Bent the Way The Whigs will grow
This map was done in draft in 1994 

Full FBI Investigation revived Victims request full prosecution of those of Public Trust named in the indictment including previous incumbents who officially requested legal representation to protect [tEXAS hACKS bLOCK 07/25/2015 pROMPTING ] 
Human Exploitation Other Electronic and Military Demoralization
First used in Texas By Bush EO

Human Exploitation and Military Demoralization
Take Action EO
Take Affirmative Action Today and Reprint every card and Rename these Texas agencies that masquerade as the CIA, United States Secrete Service, and the United State Department. Release the prisoners that were fooled by theses treasonous names and the threat of war against the United States of America by the previous incumbent just arrested for abuse of power. This Naming scheme was part of the Tea Party Rebellion against the United States to hide grand larceny and freely target TS Veterans with intense interrogation Torture on campuses still out of compliance which is all Texas campuses excluding military campuses

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