To Penetrate the Obscure Jungle into the Light
Nobody Has Ask Me One Question "You Cannot Make This *SHIT Up!"
Posted Here First 10/18/2013
Hacker in the system they can count form 0-9 but cannot fill in a Crayola Drawing
Hacker in the system they can count form 0-9 but cannot fill in a Crayola Drawing
“If the Secret Service [CIA] can find my house but Federal Express cannot, then why can’t they find Osama Bin Laden, who gets courier service each week?”
Twenty-four hours later he is dead
*S.H.I.T. Shipping Height In Transit: An Acronym identifying a red line drawn in the hull of a sea going vessel that warns when organic fertilizer gets dangerously too deep.
I Don't Need A Crystal Ball To Know
Texas Hackers Are Gonna Stand Trial
I Will Be Sitting There Like MADD
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
Making Sure Due Process Is Served You!
Updated 09/12/2014 Dead Link
Please give me a status on the following Docket Numbers
United States Department of Education
OCR 400 Maryland Ave. S.E.
Washington D.C. 20202-100
United States Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave SW
Washington, DC 20202-0001
Tel: (202) 401-2000
The Gift of Life Hell within Texas Walls
Signed Sealed Delivered I Am Yours
Texas Hackers Are Gonna Stand Trial
I Will Be Sitting There Like MADD
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
Making Sure Due Process Is Served You!
Updated 09/12/2014 Dead Link
Please give me a status on the following Docket Numbers
United States Department of Education
OCR 400 Maryland Ave. S.E.
Washington D.C. 20202-100
United States Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave SW
Washington, DC 20202-0001
Tel: (202) 401-2000
The Gift of Life Hell within Texas Walls
Signed Sealed Delivered I Am Yours
On October 18, 2008, the first thing I said was, “Did you know another campus shooter killed a librarian today in San Antonio? They all shrouded their shoulders, as if it was nothing; however, campus violence was the whole purpose of the meeting! I sat down and started reading a document I prepared listing every single time I was denied a service or access and each and every time they invaded my privacy to show them the retaliation and discriminatory practices for anybody on the Disability roster “Schindler's List.” A data manipulation of interest, they gave me credit for nuclear physics classes that I never attended and reported it immediately to the Omnibus-man signed “Whistle Blower” Gregory O’Dell.
My wife and I also have two daughters on the same campuses the day I walked in with my concerns. Why be so Obscure when mass murders were taking place and the targets were on what I called “Schindler's List” the most valuable students that walked on campus, each head count had a federal award of discretionary spending that added up to billions of dollars that was not spent on the disabled because all they had to meet was Federal compliance criteria and the rest of the loot they could spend as they pleased. (*The film tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.) The ‘Texas Disability List’ Exploited the Disabled as a commodity of trade, ADA grants were the biggest Federal Funding Sources to the Texas University Systems.
What concerns me and rightfully so, They were also awarded billions of dollars in discretionary grants to study, target, track and observe the disabled, developed Electronic Behavior Control weapons that can kill, as if each and every one of us was a potential violent threat and suffered from some form or other DM mental illness such as suffered by Linda Cardenas coined “Behavior That Is Concerning,” who plagiarized her doctorate thesis and it doubtful she attended four years of college.
They only way I could think of to protect myself and family was to first go to the police to identify myself and then to the FBI, who both denied my existence! So I started blogging a filibuster for five years so nobody could make a claim they did not know me and I was a lone Wolff. I would blog every day and believe me they followed as I was their devil’s advocate they used to right new policy. By raising the white flag and disclosing, I became a thorn in Governor Rick Perry’s Side. I do believe because my life was threatened, I won the President’s Race To The Top!
Additionally, I did not know why they were retaliating so much, especially after they were starving for business opportunities and my Father got a backer for one of his Patents and the moment he said I attended UTSA they cut my dad out but they continue with the device he invented as well as some 16 others (5,000,000 was the set- up cost or initial capital to be invested in my father) Each semester, I received zero funding in my bank account but the computer would show I received what was due by FASA in a timely manner, which is total B.S. Part of the problem with the retaliation is because I have an invisible disability, the only one I had to disclose by policy and University Law – Limited Mobility. A picture is what it takes for people to understand or they call you a fraud lazy loafer ect… Yes I know it is gruesome, but I had to “Penetrate the Obscurity” hidden in my body.
They change in policy took place on 500 colleges and Universities called CUBIT along with CUBASS or CUBASE before the Virginia Tech Massacre and the X-Secret Service Agents Book “Land Mark Study of Campus Shootings” that was also a “*Schindler's List” or Exploited the disabled for profit (The film tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.) The University and staff started targeting every person registered with the office of disabilities, because we had become a financial liability (The FBI has a recorded of my scared voice saying hey these guys think I am suing them) and I was told by Senator Cornyn by letter “Sue the University” who set-up a system that you cannot sue a ‘University’ by Federally Funded attorneys at law who also illegally shared attorney client information without taking my case” The other campus shooters and there were several in Texas with just a single victim, not note worthy of a blood lustful media.
The targeting or hyper-surveillance was the problem in my and Suzanne’s case and the Pope and I could see the similar patterns as they described in the News broadcast on TV.
The last thing I needed was the Secret Service and CIA showing up on the farm compounding the problem (That did not concern me but now it does. I do have the burden of protecting my brother from undue blame and punishment in my case, we did everything correctly the CIA failed) nor, did I know that George Bush daughters attended UT or they failed to believe in Saint Francis "A Rock Hard Concrete Idea"
The last thing I needed was the Secret Service and CIA showing up on the farm compounding the problem (That did not concern me but now it does. I do have the burden of protecting my brother from undue blame and punishment in my case, we did everything correctly the CIA failed) nor, did I know that George Bush daughters attended UT or they failed to believe in Saint Francis "A Rock Hard Concrete Idea"
Now I have no suspicions of Jed Bush because he will do the right thing and completed ninety days probation in Florida in 1996 if he has to do it for me and they have a warrant for his arrest for a domestic disturbance that both my wife and I signed drafted by the prosecuting attorney. A dying declaration of the death of Anne Paterson - O'Dell poetic justice - "O'Dell you get those bastards (Anne Paterson-O'Dell)!"
Well O'Dell, Anne I Guess You Did!
Who is a family member of a man caught breaking and entering my home, and I dropped charges because he, as explained to me “harmless with a mental condition.” I sent the Florida DPS release hard copy with their seal to the IVERP office to resolve, that is part of my complaint they need to address and have the record corrected. Florida DPS will not respond to my calls and remove the false information of charges of battery and violation of the 90 day $270.00 probation, I satisfied by order of the court.
Well O'Dell, Anne I Guess You Did!
Who is a family member of a man caught breaking and entering my home, and I dropped charges because he, as explained to me “harmless with a mental condition.” I sent the Florida DPS release hard copy with their seal to the IVERP office to resolve, that is part of my complaint they need to address and have the record corrected. Florida DPS will not respond to my calls and remove the false information of charges of battery and violation of the 90 day $270.00 probation, I satisfied by order of the court.
I wrote, I mean saturated the web and wrote emails and letters to the White House and all my representatives to make sure they knew about this bizarre but factual account and yes they thought I was a nut, which may be the case but the facts are true so my sanity is a moot distraction and makes this situation even more horrible looking to law enforcement who attacked me and my family.
I did not know they had a problem with one of my brothers You-tube Videos until I my return from Mexico, to my parents guest house that I did not live in half the time but some strange things have happened here, other people staying in the house and using the PC? The last thing I needed was someone to manipulate my records and make me a Prime target because these guys thought I was after them like an upset prostitute in South America that did not get paid for her services.
Again, I did not know anything about my brother’s Videos upsetting the Bush family until I returned from Mexico and we identified them as secret service agents and wrote them a kind letter to protect their integrity and our own. The CIA can do whatever they want – who the hell am I?
I get an Email from the secret Service as I published the event in a University paper for my protection, what the Texas University social worker instructed me to do, once he knew that I was telling the truth. The Email from the SS read, “I am sure glad you said that.” Scared, I write the Director of the CIA after finding out one was a card carrying CIA agent and wrote, “If the Secret Service can find my house but Federal Express cannot, then why can’t they find Osama Bin Laden, who gets carrier service each week.” Twenty-four hours later he is dead. NSA harassed me for a year “Who Ordered the Kill on Osama bin Laden?” They also used some electrical devices on me “An imminent threat is an imminent threat is an imminent threat” took me back to “Whiskey River” and have not balanced out back to my normal self.
Run, don’t just “walk in my shoes,” as if you have Texas Domestic Surveillance Helicopters stalking you down like a wild feral hog. I did the only thing I could to protect myself, disclose disclose disclose blog articles white flags blew party horns ect… The last thing I needed was to hold something private or Obscure!
“Why do you have to be so obscure?” He asked. “Obscurity?” he answered, “Once it is penetrated, is found to be a relatively simple matter. Obscurity is a very necessary impact to the listener and reader. When anything new is presented, the mind is conditioned to the past.” “Once a man has penetrated the obscure jungle, he is likely to come out on the plateau where he has much broader vision than he ever knew in the past (Williams).”
Each time I filed a government form, it was lost or I did not exist, so I would find sources to prove who I am, and just like William Williams said, “Once a man has penetrated the obscure jungle (with the CIA ,Secret Service, and FBI on his ass) he is highly likely to come out on the plateau where he has much broader vision than he [I] ever knew in the past!”
Lastly, my writings were analyzed in Texas and considered to be Esoteric: “When you think of Wagner” (How he was dammed!) Ibsen, and, of course, many others! The term Esoteric,” Dr. Williams concludes with amused irony, “What first was applied to Aristotle.”
Two thousand years after Aristotle’s observation methodology, humanity can only account for a small portion of their physical reality. Even with the aid of today’s most sophisticated telescopes, electron microscopes, or any other visual aids, ninety-five percent of our physical reality cannot be seen. Today’s astronomers have termed what cannot be seen as “black matter” which represents an unknown substance that cannot be observed by NASA Aerospace Domestic Surveillance.
Things look different to different people. The blind will describe things as they associate them in their own minds, while those blessed with good vision will describe things as reflected in the sun’s rays. Certainly, the blind have some understanding of “Black Matter” or what cannot be seen, while those with eyes to see have difficulty seeing what is actually present, perhaps blinded by the sun’s own light.
Helen Killer deaf and blind from birth developed reading and writing skills from texture to the touch, by undefined schema she invented braille and pioneered a way for the blind to actually see - Penetrating the Obscure Jungle into the Light!
“Why do you have to be so obscure?” He asked. “Obscurity?” he answered, “Once it is penetrated, is found to be a relatively simple matter. Obscurity is a very necessary impact to the listener and reader. When anything new is presented, the mind is conditioned to the past.” “Once a man has penetrated the obscure jungle, he is likely to come out on the plateau where he has much broader vision than he ever knew in the past.”
When is the last Time you had your eyes checked
When is the last Time you had your eyes checked
- The Writer Observed
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Anubis G. N. O'Dell 2008 Protector of the Dead, Disabled, Those That Can No Longer Care For Themselves |
Harvey Breit “William Carlos Williams” 1950
Breit, Harvey. "William Carlos Williams." The Writer Observed. London: Alvin Redman Limited, 1950. 99-101. Print.
O’Dell, G. N. Classroom discussion on Being and Time, University of Texas at San Antonio January 2007
Puente. Charleston: Gregory Nolan O’Dell, 2007. Print.Copyright © 2007 Gregory
O'Dell Todos los Derechos Reservados. ISBN: 1-4196-9444-8 ISBN-13: 978-
1419654442 Biblioteca del Congreso Número de Control: 2007908596 North
Charleston, Carolina del Sur
O'Dell, Gregory N. Jiva A Story of Soul and a Way to See It. San Antonio: Gregory Nolan
O’Dell, 2008. Print.Copyright © 2008 Gregory O’Dell All rights reserved. ISBN: 1-4196-
9053-1 ISBN-13: 9781419690532
“Whoever intentionally obstruct the proceedings before depts., agencies, and committees, obstruct this criminal investigation and/or retaliate against me because I am a victim, you will be punished to the full extent of the applicable law in 1505 of Title 18 Obstruction of proceedings before depts., agencies & committees, 1510 Obstruction of Criminal investigations, 1513 of Title 18 Retaliating against a witness, victim or an informant, or 1514 Civil Action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness. Whoever intentionally alters, destroys, mutilates or conceals records, or documents with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding will be punished to the full extent of law as defined in 1519 of Title 18”
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