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Friday, December 6, 2013

What if the Threat was Real and I-have-name is the only one that can see it?

The Civil War of 2000-2013
Comes To An End

Don’t Blame Obama for a civil war within our government which is treason against all Citizens of the United States of America. 

In fact they attacked our own President and they are addressing these claims by experts that know what they are doing, who I have complete confidence in!

Related facts:

The earliest civilizations of Mesopotamia and Pre-dynastic Egypt developed from regional religious patterns into complex social systems of centralized control in the late fourth fifth millennia BC. As populations increased in the newly settle land more complex social system developed. During the period of 6000-3200 BC, isolated settlements dominated choice lands with access to water. Evidence of food production and food storage were already highly developed before this period (Nissen p 39). We know little of the religious patterns before the appearance of art; however animism is believed to be established before the pre-pottery stage of early humans. Animism, as viewed by Edward Tyler is the belief in nature. Tyler believed that ritual grew out of beliefs in nature as a result of human reasoning (Hicks p 4).

When we view ancient peoples with a strict linear rationale, we can just a well argue that animism as describe by Tyler’s is a belief that is alive today and is just as bizarre to say ancient people worshiped the scared cow as it is to say modern civilization developed from a belief in cow gods that were replaced as animism developed into a worship of the elite ruling class that controls the worlds capital assets. 
The earliest civilizations of Mesopotamia and Pre-dynastic Egypt developed from regional religious patterns of animism and developed into god-king political power of city-state or temple corporations. The development of religious patterns of both cultures grew from regional chieftains of ancestral lineage into a centralized elite based religious/ political control.

Although many differences in actual cults, ritual, and beliefs both religious systems migrated by necessity to a religious political power in order to control growing and centralizing populations. Religious patterns of the Sumer and pre-dynastic Egypt developed from similar social patterns insuring political power of the elite prior to true monarchy systems of the dynasty period.

Just as in pre-dynastic Sumer, archeologists speculate that proto-kingdoms or a confederacy of the elite may have competed from the throne of Egypt prior to the Narmer recorded on a Herakonplois temple slate palette as a living god. Religious beliefs of Pre-Dynastic Egypt were probably forged from animism as with  Mesopotamia or could have assimilated along the Levant Coast of Syria to the Nile Delta 
In Egypt as well as Mesopotamia, cattle were regarded as the earthly representation of early gods. Both cultures worshiped the bull in various ways and cults. The Catal Huyk site of Mesopotamia is a good example of the “bull cult.” Preserved horns of bulls set into plaster were excavated from Catal Huyk temples (Eichman). The cattle god in Pre-dynastic Egypt held as much importance as the bother gods Horus and Seth (Emuseum).   

It is believed that the Nabta Playa tribe worshiped cattle as gods as “Gods of Rain” which strengthens Tyler’s theory of animisms as the bases for religious patterns of Mesopotamia and Pre-dynastic Egypt The goddess of Catal Huyk is associated with the bull cult as a goddess of fertility as resembles the Aurignacian Venuses of 30,000 B.C. (Eichman). Although religious belief differed in many ways, early religious patterns are evidenced by the worship of cattle and a goddess of fertility (Eichman). 

The sun god Ra is the most important deity of the Nile culture. Ra is understood as the architect of all earthy and heavenly things, an Egyptian cosmology which gives meaning to how the world can to be. The Egyptians believed that Ra had only to think [Conceive] to materialize any creature on earth. Ra was worshiped as the first king on Earth. The belief in the sun god as first king gave rise to Pharaoh king-gods of dynastic Egypt (Howard). The trend of sun god replaced by god king is evident in both cultures as Ra in Egypt and in Mesopotamia Utu as son god of Sumer.

We can strengthen the argument for animism as the most widely accepted contemporary belief, a belief in nature by listing and comparing huge modern day monuments or megaliths called Ziggurats  in ancient Persia and pyramids of Egypt with the Lincoln Memorial, the Capital building or the Eifel tower. The Hover Dam as well as many other large reservoir structures is still the main controlling attributes of water a necessity and fluid of life. 

“Wikipedia” a contemporary collections of beliefs hardened as encyclopedic facts, is one the best examples of today’s reasoning developed from animism a belief in nature controlled by consensus as describe by Tyler’s definition of animism; reasoning built on a foundation of a simple primitive minds of sun worshipers that bowed to the “great cow god” over time,

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