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Friday, February 27, 2015

Gives Them Enough Hemp Rope to Hang Themselves

Hemp The Denver Ground Hog Day
Human Extermination Experiment
Double langue 
Legally Imported Hemp To Make Rope
What Was Senator Cornyn Smoking

The Atascosa County Wilson County
Double langue: ‘Hang in There’

Edited 09:45 05/30/2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Six New Frackenbusch Trailer Rigs Head South Los Angeles

The Friends You Meet On The Southern Streets 

Then It Don't Really Matter Does It?
(Grapes of Wrath

Ma  "How am I going to know about you Tommy, why they could kill you and I would never know. They could hurt you and I'd never know."

Tommy "Well, maybe it's like Casey says. A fellow an't got a soul of his own, just a little piece of a big Soul. The one big Soul that belongs to everybody, then..."

Ma  "Then what Tom?"

Tommy "Then it don't matter."

Tommy "I will be all around in the dark; I will be everywhere wherever you can look. Wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat, I will be there. Wherever there is a cop beating up on a guy, I will be there. I will be in the way guys yell when they are mad. I will be in way kids laugh anytime they are hungry and they know super is ready. And when the people are eating the stuff they raise, and living in the houses they build, I will be there too!"

The River That Flows

Machinery Up Frack Rigs Trailers

Friday, February 20, 2015

Texas Intense Interrogation and Torture VC15107094
Texas Victims of Crime VC No. VC15107094 
'Intense Interrogation and Torture' of a Terrorist Victim, Witness, and Informant before the Intense Interrogation and Torture Reported to the FBI. Completed As Requested Mailed Again 02/20/2015

Something Stinks Real Bad Video
Bullets Fly and He Still Don't Die
Direct TV on The Sony Verizon Sunset Six more Texas Counties to Go!
Will Be Stopping by for the Report Number 
We gave You Last Week
Ken Paxton 
'The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You'

As Per Texas Victims of Crime one for Each Crime with Police Reports Dating Back to 2006 = 59 Letters to Be Mailed Today. The Police have all the documentation and were ordered to investigated and prosecute but failed to do so - Fire Them and Put the Younger College Grads in Their Place!

1. Who Cares? My writing fingers - 59 letters! That way Texas Can Justify 59 Letter Opener Positions

As Per Texas Victims of Crime one for Each Crime with Police Reports Dating Back to 2006 = 59 Letters to Be Mailed Today.  All hand written so they are not hacked by X-Governor Rick Perry who has no authority at all 
-He is just another Hacker, who conspired with X-CIA Agent Congressman Will Hurd in my files and he has never been or will he ever be my congressman, who is Henry Cuellar District 28th and also a subject of victims of crimes against his own constituents including gross violations of law and we expect Senator Grassley to prosecute these Congressman who all participated in voter fraud among other hideous crimes against humanity.

2. The Do Nothing Senate? Remove Senator Ted Cruz The Disability

3. Helping Tortured Victims of X-Governor Rick Perry

4. A Story of Soul and a Ways to See It

5. Trillions of Dollars Wasted 'Electronic Behavioral Control'? Any Civilized Country of the world calls it 'Human Exploitation' or 'Torture' of their own people while ISIS works the other Republican GOP angle on the Rising Gas Prices - Check the pumps not the KOCH Brother's Media.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chinese Cook Say Hackers Used WONG Document For Fraud O'Dell Due 10% See OIG Whistle Blower

Bite The Bullet Hack

O'Dell Groceries Has Moved to This Link

See Bottom page the hack wrote "As We Watched"
Waiting for my reward payments so i can follow through with my end of the bargain. 
The money will be used in the USA and mentored by the SBA helping others and making a profit at the same time!

What Republican GOP Math Problem?

It took a Marine to add it all up!

Hackers Try to Mimic Typed Threats
When We Un-Plug The Plug On Our System - 02/19/2015 07:08 Pm
Like Lt Governor David Dewhurst Said they Did in D.C.
Hard Copies Are Better By Mail Then Hacked Chinese Stock Reports Information That Led To The Arrest and Conviction of Merck Killer
Yours? Gregory O'Dell's VA Entitlement Case, 
'We Got Un-Plug By Washington D.C.' 
(Lt. Governor David Dewhurst aid Assimilates as instructed To Congressman Henry Cuellar 28th District) To Veterans Valid Claim. See Letters To the White House As Follows Weeks Before The Texas West Explosion:
"He is Dead Jim"
IT Find It My Link Corresponds to the Text
Not the Explosion
This one is a known
"He Bluelt Luck is Running Out"

02/19/2015 07:08
"He BlueIt His Luck is Running Out"
   "He is Dead Jim" James Perry

Nope! I will be Sitting There in Courtroom as They Sentence Jim 

3.357 Billion 10%
Merck More Criminals to Jail Some In DOJ

15年来,默克公司(Merck & Co.,MRK)药物研究所所长爱德华.斯科尔尼克(Edward Scolnick)深知公司将面临现在这种危机。他经常暗自担心独立的默克公司不能度过这个难关。我的这些怀疑从未告诉过任何人,斯科尔尼克博士说。
  自从投资者们注意到这一情况後,华尔街就一直坚持认为,默克应加入到制药业盛行的兼并浪潮中去。但该公司首席执行长雷蒙德.V.吉尔马丁(Raymond V. Gilmartin)对此坚定地予以拒绝,他坚信默克能够独立迅速发展。
  这次,默克的一位泰裔药剂师佩皮.普拉西特(Peppi Prasit)为公司带来了这种灵感。19927月,他漫步於蒙特利尔一个并不著名的医学会议上。在与一位同事闲聊时,他得知:默克的一些研究人员已经开始了一项实验室试验,以确定一种止痛药不太会像大多数治疗疼痛和关节炎的药物那样引起肠胃不适。
  华盛顿大学(Washington University)的药物学家菲利浦.尼德尔曼(Philip Needleman)已经提出了一个可能解决这个问题的方案。方法是制造一种药物,抑制Cox-2的产生,Cox-2是一种在身体大多数部位调节前列腺素产生的酵素;但不抑制一种类似的酵素——Cox-1的产生,而这种酵素仅仅参与调节内脏中的前列腺素。普拉西特博士得知这个研究後,就下决心要开发出这样一种药物,特别是自从默克公司对它作过测试以後。
  但是在这场探索中,普拉西特和斯科尔尼克担心这会是一场竞赛,也担心公司可能落後。因为传闻已跳槽到Monsanto Co.(MON)的尼德尔曼博士正在研制一种类似的药物。
  默克公司曾一直抵抗那些公司有关打折扣的要求,其结果就是公司的产品越来越多地被排除在大购买集团的处方清单之外。American Healthcare Systems属下的Purchasing Partners LP是一家大型集团采购组织。1994年吉尔马丁上任後的第一个星期,就与这个集团的管理人员们进行了一次会谈。参与这次会谈的两位参加者说,吉尔马丁承诺,默克公司愿在任何条件下与该集团合作。在後来的18个月中,这个管理式照护集团将对默克公司产品的采购量在年度基础上提高了10倍。
  19951月,默克公司把一批潜在的新止痛药交给了得克萨斯州奥斯汀(Austin)的一位口腔外科医生唐纳德.R.麦利希(Donald R. Mehlisch),他为制药商试验这种药。他从得克萨斯大学(University of Texas)招募了一些大学生,拔除他们的智牙,给他们一颗药丸,然後把他们安排在他诊所旁边的宿舍内,观察他们的感受。
  在1998年最後一天,美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)许可Monsanto销售其名为Celebrex的无刺激止痛药。19992月,Monsanto开始与辉瑞制药有限公司(Pfizer Inc.,PFE,简称辉瑞公司)共同行销这种药品,并很快成了美国历史上最成功的新药投放事例。而默克公司此时仍未获得行销许可。
  吉尔马丁创建了由行销、生产和科研三方面人员组成的队伍,以计划远期未来的事情。监管Vioxx投放市场的行销副总裁温迪.狄克逊(Windy Dixon)说:我们分解每一个任务,看有哪些步骤可以精减。这样,我们就可把产品投放市场的正常过程缩短4周或5周。
  虽然这个队伍能预先制造大量瓶子和包装盒,但他们不可能预先印刷药片说明书,因为FDA不允许在许可日之前印刷说明书。由於竞争对手的止痛药已经成功,默克公司面临的挑战就是在拿到FDA许可副本後的数天内,就将它送到美国和波多黎各(Puerto Rico)各地的印刷厂,立即印出几千份说明书,随药片一起装入包装中,并分发到各地的药房。数架飞机都处於待命状态,因为印刷板必须被火速送往各地的印刷厂。
  公司内部人员都知道,520日有可能是FDA发出许可的日子。公司高级说明书设计师切丽.兰姆塞-威尔顿(Cheryl Ramsey-Weldon)焦虑不安地等了足足一天,当她下班回到家後还继续等。我坐在电话机旁,她说,给我的上司打了三次电话询问情况,随时保持密切联系。
  根据研究公司IMS Health的调查,默克公司的止痛药在投放市场3个月後,就占据了“Cox-2抑制剂类新药市场近1/3的比例,1年之内占有率就接近1/2。在欧洲,Vioxx占主导地位,已经在许多国家的市场上打败了Celebrex,尽管它注册较晚。根据几份独立的研究,Vioxx靠两点击败了Celebrex:一是它的作用比Celebrex快,二是对Cox-2有更大的选择性。
  然而,两种药都有缺点。现在默克公司正加入了又一个有关Cox-2的竞争,竞争对手是收购了Monsanto的法玛西亚公司(Pharmacia Inc.,PHA),竞争目标在於生产这类畅销药品经过改良的第二代产品。

  这些天来,吉尔马丁有点情不自禁地洋洋得意起来。他说:许多人都担心默克公司是否还能在竞争中取胜,但我们一定会在每次竞争中达到一个新水平。但是斯科尔尼克博士在回忆Vioxx的开发时说:如果我们最初选择的两种化合物在人体试验中没有成功,那我们也许在数年後还得碰运气依靠第五种或第六种化合物来进行试验,那麽我们也许会变成与现在完全不一样的公司了。”(By GARDINER HARRIS)

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lives

“Too Big To Fail” “Too Big To Jail”  “Deplete Their Assets” 
The Way It Works!  

First Published 08/13/2013 Just When My Case Against UT Was Up and Stopped
Your thoughtful March 18 Briefing, "After the 'sequester,' now what?," like most news coverage, failed to mention the likely devastating impact of these sweeping federal spending cuts on the criminal-justice system. Courts, prosecutors, and public defenders are all being affected.

"A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lives"

The Texas RICO Network would not be possible without the assistance of William Session X-FBI Director divulging classified information for inside trading of those of Texas Public Trust. The Texas RICO operations are designed for incumbents to hold power and legitimately used by the Secret Service to protect the Presidents of the United States by sharing data that is false or misleading of a targeted person which incorporates any Private Investigative firm (Sworn officers do not relive them from the liability) and in my case, the Veterans hospital who employees student and doctors from the University systems.

Dear OIG Education Department, The Following Was Posted In The Interest of Public Safety and As Evidence That Your Response Was In Error as Follows "Why It is all About Civil Rights?":

The Tea Party founded financed by Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Koch Brothers Is Dr. Frankenstein

The Tea Party of April 2009 Died in spring of 2010 and has come to be known as "The Tea Party Rebellion and Insurrection against the citizens of the United States I"

The Tea Party of Today or Tea Party II is not the same Tea Party of April 2009 but the grass roots and funding was from illegal sources of the Tea Party I

(I have no opinion or do I know of being harmed from the Tea Party II but I know of thousands of valid criminal complaints concerning The Texas Tea Party I)

1. The Tea Party. 
OC Media
Anthony J. Tarquinto Still a Virgin, Still OC
By Matt Coker Thu., Jan. 26 2012 at 9:38 AM 17 Comments
Categories: OC Media

“A couple years ago I introduced readers to Anthony J. Tarquinto and The Real 40 Year Old Virgin of Orange County, the Aliso Viejo author's self-published tome that mixes his unique lack of sexual experience with a political ideology that finds Barack Obama a threat to America. In the months since, Tarquinto has spread his "expertise" on celibacy and tea party ideology. Others are taking notice, although nothing has apparently changed his status between the sheets.”

“Tarquinto shared some of his views on an entirely different subject in a July American Thinker piece titled, "The Federal Reserve and Financial Repression." While he does not exactly call for the death of the central bank ala Ron Paul, Tarquinto sets a chain-of-events in motion that could eventually cause a run on ATMs and average Americans being unable to buy gas and Slushies. The ad next to the copy he sent has an image of Obama pointing and the words, "OH YES, YOU CAN! 21 Ways to Frustrate Obama's Army of Snoops, Busybodies, and Asset-Grabbing Bureaucrats."  

2. The U.N. Inquiry Concerning Texas Voter Fraud [GOP ballots counts increase in numbers by remote control devices]

3. Mitt Romney and Texas Governor Rick Perry Investments in Electronic Behavioral Control Devices

4. Texas Human Experimentation without consent that brings harm (Bush Post 911 Mandates)

5. Non-regulated Marketing Firms use any make or model including those in the Non-lethal weapons electronic arsenal to win the Romney Election but failed.

6. Federal Data Integrity is Breach to bring harm to the harmless such as VA records

7. Texas Police Swatting

8. Texas Aerospace Surveillance at low altitudes 

9. Texas financial decimation of children, disabled, and elderly

10. Denied access to Federal Funds and health care entitlements

11. The use of non-lethal weapons on Texas children, disabled and elderly

12. Political Police Raids on Disabled Housing in Texas so Texas Governor Rick Perry can “show you where your tax dollars are going” which is the opposing - 75% of the disabled want to work!

13. Covert Attacks Against The Citizens of the United States

It Has Been In Your Authority of Over Three Years After OCR Failed To Investigated Valid Claims via The Office of Human Heath Services Concerning The Safety of Citizens In The State of Texas. I Believe It Is A Systemic Problem, Not A People Problem -
 Which Includes Yours Truly! 

“Too Big To Fail” “Too Big To Jail”  “Deplete Their Assets” The Way It Works!  


Your thoughtful March 18 Briefing, "After the 'sequester,' now what?," like most news coverage, failed to mention the likely devastating impact of these sweeping federal spending cuts on the criminal-justice system. Courts, prosecutors, and public defenders are all being affected.

The Texas RICO Operation includes all federally funded disabled legal assistance offices, who failed to represent me and Senator John Cornyn who put these agencies in place denying Texas disabled due process and assimilated attorney client information without taking my case. Texas Fusion Centers, Texas Victims of Crime Office, UTSA San Antonio, University Systems, Belinda Cardenas X-president of the University of El Paso (Acting Board Regents UTSA), Texas Human Health Services, the Texas Rangers and Governor Rick Perry.

This list may not be all inclusive such as the case of Senator Carlos Uresti office who knew about the problems and did not help my family after requesting assistance. The RICO operations target persons by manipulating data that is shared and used against the targeted person, including stalking with deadly force, police swatting and retaliating, while I attended a school abroad that meets the criteria of State Sponsored International Terrorism listed on my ITVERP complaint.

My case example shows an error by the local FBI office and Washington D.C. after reporting that I was a witness to three terrorist bombings and suffer from the effects, one of which was the protection of a witness of the 911 attack not to be targeted and attacked. The Secret Service should have known this before they threatened my family forcing to do anything within my means to protect myself and my targeted extended family, while also putting myself in harms way to protect two Presidents of Untied States of America. 

In addition, I reported credit card fraud in the amount of $5,000.00 to the FBI 2007 and was credited that amount at the privilege of the credit card company after confirming I did not make a purchase of antiques glass bottles bought by a Somalia’s Credit Card Gang working within the bank to allow access to this information.

One year later, Citibank takes over the Quicken Card account without my knowledge and ignored my warnings that FBI had taken care of this; however, they retaliated by a universal shut down and again after reporting the problem to the Bank examiner by a threatening letter of retaliation for doing the right thing? 

Citibank’s actions severally crippled my family to a point of selling family heir looms to pawn brokers including my weapons for protection, which was then shared on the same FBI sharing system and is in error ad infinitum

In this case, the manipulation of data includes the CIA after doing what they instructed my family to do and the consequences we suffered over a five year period after doing what they told us to do and reported to  Representative Jose Aliseda, State Rep.Ryan GuillenTexas Senator Judith Zaffirini, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson , Congressman Cero Rodriguez,  Congressman Henry Cuellar and Texas Governor Rick Perry.

What a tangled web we weave when "sharing is not caring" and places two United States Presidents in jeopardy, who I am sworn to protect by any means including placing  my own body in harm’s way to protect them for the rest of my life or why I say the things I do!

“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Lives” – Get Their Pictures?

Look A Cover Up

Gregory N. O'Dell 04/13/2013
Plea United States Attorney General Declare Tea Party Rebellion April 2009 Founded By Governor Rick Perry and Financed by the Koch Brothers an Act of International Terrorism


Briefly Describe Crime
In April 2009, Rick Perry succeeded from the Union founding an organized rebellion (paid for by the state) by posting the 'Stop' web page instructing all Texas employees to group together and rebel against the Constitution of the United States as members of the "Tea Party" rebellion targeting not just the new presidential administration but the Honorable Barack Obama personally.  He also stated to the Media that he would activate the Texas Air Guard if necessary. He did so under Texas executive order RPO8 before today's Tea Party was known. The Insurrection and Tea Party Rebellion against the Constitution of the United States of America is not the same as the Tea Party Today.

 Anyone peacefully campaigning for the new president was targeted, stalked; some attacked by military aircraft, and classified electronic weapons. He operated an illegal Covert Operation under George Bush that may be still in existence today. My family was threatened three times in 2008, Stalked by military aircraft, property damage done by mafia style attacks, swatting by police, false police reports, members of my family were indicted for Terrorist Threats (April 2010 Court) I was falsely accused as being associated with Sarah Palin Tea Party Rebellion spokesperson, who almost trigger a nuclear event questioning the diplomacy of the President of the United States.

The Tea Party Rebellion activated the use of Texas State Sponsored Terrorism and the use of military weapons on innocent Texans by Governor Rick Perry. The Supreme Court of United States considers a Rebellion (not free speech) with the use of weapons, high treason!

Briefly Describe Injuries
Stalking, Retaliation, Terrorism Threats, Bio-lethal Weapons of the mind, Death Treats, Electronic Exploitation, Hyper-surveillance, unwarranted searches, Swatting by local Police (Life Threatening), Wiretapping, and Hacking continued for over 5 years that cause the institutionalization of my family members, and emotional breakdown for myself. I should of returned to my job at XXXXXXXXXX 12/2008 were I am still on disability leave earning 40,000 per year. Criminal Case filed in an Atascosa County Court Texas and Congressman Cuellar was briefed but has failed to respond as of date.

Lead Investigative Agency If Known
FBI San Antonio, Somerset Police, UTSA Police, Atascosa County Sheriff's Office, The insurrection and Tea Party Rebellion report to the OIG
Reported to the Inspector General As National Security Threat April 2009 by Me and Other Texans that have gone through the same on November 13, 1963.
Medical expense not including those paid by the State of Federal Gov.                         $20,000.00
Mental Health Services                                                                                                $10,000.00

Property Loss Repair and Replacement                                                                      $250,000.00
Description of Property Loss: Theft of shop equipment by unwarranted searches, the loss of a small business, electronic exploitation, copyright infringements, and unable to return to full time job , which I am on disability leave, electronic destruction of two personal computers, theft of a hard drive, web censorship and corruption interfering with sales.
Miscellaneous expense                                                                                                   $5,000.00
Total Amount  of  loss                                                                                                $285,000.00
South Texans Have Seen This Type of Treasonous Behavior in the 1960 that caused the detonation of a nuclear bomb as per this radio broadcast

 Censored Citation April 2009: Citation: O'Dell, Gregory N. "BegoodtoYourselfwebsite/OfficeOfCivilRights20012009.html." LinearismOrg. Transpersonal WayStation, 15 May 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. . “We The People” of Texas

15 May 2009

Insurrection and Rebellion April 2009 

The insurrection and Tea Party Rebellion of April 2009 was a well-planned orchestrated retaliatory attack, defending the Texas elite class cut off from billions of Federal free-for-all discretionary spending, and the use of illegal Bush-era covert operations to make sure the money kept flowing by any means.  The Governor of Texas even considered to activate the Texas Guard against the United States, but reversed his statement to the media, when called on the carpet.

The last years of the Bush Administration were the worst of times for Texans, who were abused from the corruption of law enforcement in cooperation with their Federal watchdog agency the FBI.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation knew they had to clean-up their own ‘House of Death’ first, before they could stabilize an out-of-control police state, involved in Money Laundering, as well as Human and Drug Trafficking. 

Thousands of innocent Texans are still held in Texas prisons unjustly, to cover-up the real criminals by a bias right-wing justice system. Many Texans made pleas to the newly assigned United States Attorney General Eric Holder and the office of Inspector General, that even today go unanswered such as the following web posting that was censored and a personal computer electronically knocked out of commission by the Austin Texas Fusion Center: 

 “In April 2009, Rick Perry succeeded from the Union founding an organized rebellion (paid for by the state) by posting the 'Stop' web page instructing all Texas employees to group together and rebel against the Constitution of the United States as members of the "Tea Party" rebellion targeting not just the new presidential administration but the Honorable Barack Obama personally. Rick Perry and Rick Perry and his cronies, wealthy corporate owners and investors, have just declared "War on the EPA" a statement just mentioned verbally in the state of Texas by a private citizens is enough to be harassed, arrested, and/or jailed by Law Enforcement for an unknown length of time waiting for Terrorist Threat charges to be collaborated by Texas District Attorneys.”

Texas Tea Party Rebellion
Economic Recovery
History Repeating

The Bomb
A Classic Example That Can Happen In Any Country Of The World
Anywhere were those of Political Power Hold Positions of Public Trust, willing to sell their souls to Hold Power!

It is not about Religion! It's all about those of Public Trust, who can easily Influence Religious Groups, because they Hold Positions Of Public Trust and Should Be Trusted!

One year later, the cries of foul went out to all Federal regulatory agencies by Texas citizens and employees concerning, corporate disregard for environmental concerns as well as human life as follows:

 “It is unimaginable the Governor of Texas would publicly "Declare War" against regulating authorities that would of prevented the Gulf disaster. The Gulf Disaster investigation shows hard evidence a repeat of special interest favors that caused the Texas BP refinery explosion in 2005 as Perry justifies his words by stating "Obama has declared War on Texas." The 911 Patriot Act is clearly unconstitutional if the rule of law is not applied universally to those that Govern (Rick Perry) and those that are governed too.”

“The state of Texas has no record of any virtuous acts other than those good deeds provided by private citizens and organizations in and out of the State of Texas. Over the last eight years, government agencies such as the EPA, Transportation Department, and Office of Civil Rights have tried every form of diplomacy to protect property and lives and seldom pursue violations by court of law against the state of Texas. Some good local examples are Kelly AFB which is an active EPA Toxic Super Fund, our farm burn 3 times in a five year period due to faulty oil well heads (fire from the lack of routine safety maintenance and inspections example BP), and the mass exodus of disabled students from the university of Texas because of hostile policies that segregate the disabled population from all other campus community members.”

Texas Human Bio-Lethal Weapons Body And Mind
Human Experimentation Outside of Protocol*

*Brings Harm To The Human Subject of


In 2006, very few people knew, excluding the targeted victims, that the Department of Homeland Security and NSA were stalking and exploiting subjects of research which was multi-trillion dollar spending mandate by George W. Bush, creating the White Elephant we know today as NSA or over half the Federal budget.

 “We The People” became subjects of electronic behavioral control systems, subjects became suspects or enemies of State.   What made it worse, large sums of money attracted rogue FBI and CIA agents, revealed by testimony of X-FBI agents such as: 

"Based on my thirty years' experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise -- military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth -- that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States," Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.

Many of these testimonies came from the victims or were in public view such the 100 fold increase in campus shootings that started well before the infamous Virginia Tech massacre of 2007. My personal experience after going to local law enforcement and then the FBI; revealed that most of these attacks were from severely abused disabled students, by a particular college or universities own staff members as follows:

"Like I said, I received all the signs that danger was lurking but I was in a state of denial, never to expect that domestic surveillance would grow so big and go so far. Finally, after several clairvoyant slaps in the face, I acted on my premonitions, and went to the person’s office that had been trailing Mary and I along with what I called CUBIT gang members (2007 Dallas Office of Civil Rights could of stop the college killing fields)." 

"CUBIT was a scam program by an attorney who had ties with Senator John Cornyn when he was Texas Attorney General from 1999-2002,  a new plan to protect the University from harsh fines of discrimination by gang stalking the disabled."

“After all, I must be delusional, sense I contacted the Secret Service right away because of my Top Secret Clearance dictated that I did so, and told them that our farm had been visited three times by the Secret Service and CIA, who threatened my elderly disabled father and our whole extended family. "We are going make it hard on your whole family," is what they said and they were true to their word. I have been tracked, stalked, swatted, zapped by the latest Wifi device, including a low fly-by of a border drone.

They were not Federal Secret Service agents; they were Texas Governor Rick Perry's Secret Militia of mafia goons [Bush Illegal Black Ops or Convert Operations], misrepresenting themselves as the CIA. 

Thousands of Tea Party members still do not know they were exploited by intentional misinformation assimilated by the elite wealthy few!

Today, thousands of Tea Party members still do not know they were exploited by intentional misinformation assimilated by financial backers such as the Koch brothers. The Tea Party backers paid leaders of established trusted Civil Rights organizations (including the Occupy movement) and special covert operations, to infiltrate the media, for the sole purpose to attack the Obama Administration for regulating a blank check signed off by George W. Bush, Unregulated Big Government Spending that collapsed the Global economy in Fall 2008. 

The Tea Party fell apart in 2009 because the public was aware of the lies and misinformation as reflected with this web posting:

“Most Texans believe that Perry's coalition is made of the few wealthy and corrupt State investors that have no regard for their fellow man or loss of human life. Countless examples of Perry's special interest policies such as the recent big pharmaceutical mortality spike of 88,000 deaths [Actual Count 150,000], Vaccine legislation support by special interest cash linked to autism [Is Actually linked to cancer and other fatal diseases, which targeted young Hispanic girls], drug legislation doughnut hole that deprives elderly for necessary medicines, antiquated DEA laws that aid the illegal drug trade and finance terrorism, burning fuel farms and oil well heads where cash buys safety certificates, academic payoffs justifying cheaper unsafe manufacturing processes, a "No Child Left Behind Law" that has filled Texas prisons with those very children the law intended to protect and infinitum.” 

“But why should they have a concern that does not concern themselves? The United States Constitution does not imply or express that fellow citizens should have a concern of the welfare of others as Rick Perry recently justified his "Anti-ethical practices" which is a true indicator that he and his coalition do not understand the term 'Ethics'.”

Today, you cannot have a civil discussion with Tea Party members without being accused of being a liberal or totally misinformed. Most Tea Party members believe that the Obama Administration is taking away their Civil Rights and liberties; however, if you were a victim of Bush era, you are thankful for the hard work of the Obama administration. 

Many make false claims concerning Domestic Surveillance and Bio-political control devices.  Few know that these programs were shut down at the Federal level in April 2009 and over 2,500 rouge DHS personnel have been convicted or do they know that they have a way to report the abuses by filing a Civil Rights complaint with the Department of Homeland Security website. Many states still do not have laws to protect the public from Bio-lethal devices such as the state of Texas.

Domestic surveillance has been in place in the United States long before I was born in 1957; however, the information collected was protected by those that only have a concern for National Security threats, and was not shared with anyone outside of the intelligence community unless the threat was real, and action had to be taken. 

Today, that information is used for political control, Tea Party corruption, and State Sponsored Terrorist Threats. I am thankful for the disclosure recently made by Janet Reno of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as follows:

“A multibillion-dollar [Tea Party Trillions!] information-sharing program created in the aftermath of 9/11 has improperly collected information about innocent Americans and produced little valuable intelligence on terrorism, a Senate report concludes. It portrays an effort that ballooned far beyond any one's ability to control.”

The Tea Party Paradox is a cry for less government regulation, so they can benefit from Big Government overspending that is over half the federal budget known as NSA, which they benefit from personally to hold and abuse power. The elite and wealthy few, such as Mitt Romney and Rick Perry divert attention away from this abusive out-of-control spending by attacking social programs that add-up to very small percentage of the total budget, and never mention NSA overspending?

Another example of the Tea Party corruption is the political smoke screen and blame of the Fast and Furious  operations on the United States Attorney General, when these abuses have going for over a decade and innocent Texas citizens have been jailed or killed by these Bush / Perry era covert operations. Texans for justice understand this political smoke screen as a diversion to protect the real criminals, who approved and participated in illegal covert operations, long before the fast and furious operation.

A good resource to identify those people who benefited from domestic surveillance, which has yet to turn up one terrorist scheme is the South Texas Anti-Terrorism Task Force. Ex-FBI Director William Sessions’ famous last speech at the Oak Hills Country Club San Antonio, Texas, “It is incumbent on law enforcement to police their own behavior. We must share; we must find ways to do it (2008).” 

Suzanne Reed Bexar County District Attorney was present, has been aware of the problem, but failed to uphold “equal protection under the law” based on political and racial bias! A good example: Hyper-surveillance or the use of human sensors and cameras in poverty stricken areas, policing the poor and those of color. The same systems in the wealthy districts are used to police the poor and those of color, who do not live in prominent white districts, but may enter those communities to access goods and services! Reed led the South Texas Anti-Terrorist Task Force, targeting Texas citizens costing Federal Taxpayers Billions prior to April 2009.

My case of being targeted by the police and unprotected by the FBI, ignored by my Congressional and Senatorial Representatives is a very good example that what is presented in the news is false dangerous information fed to the public, protecting the real criminals that brought harm to thousands of Texans before Fast and Furious was conceived! Many of these people formed the grassroots of the Tea Party founded in Texas by Texas Governor Rick Perry. 

The Tea Party Insurrection and Rebellion of April 2009 was indeed a treasonous act by those of public trust, some still remain in office sabotaging economic recovery, which begs the question "Is There Justice In Texas?" 

How to File Victims Expense Reimbursement Tea Party Rebellion April 2009
"I believe that I and many other Texans that are known to me, and a matter of court record, are the victims of the 'Texas Tea Party Rebellion April 2009' founded by Texas Governor Rick Perry and reported at the time to law enforcement. Texas citizens were targeted as Political Adversaries, no matter what other reasons for due cause were used to target, were attacked by non-lethal weapons, lethal bio-weapons, gang stalking, terrorists threats, life threatening police swatting, targeted subjects of human experimentation, refused eligible benefit compensation, denied due process, hacking, endangering censorship, bio-location devices, mafia style attacks by rogue agents of an illegal militia, including attacks by military aircraft."

I am still waiting for a response from my Congressman Henry Cuellar Texas 28th after answering his email: 

"One of my most important duties as a Member of Congress is assisting constituents with federal issues. From  assistance with veteran’s benefits to federal government internship opportunities, I take this responsibility seriously and encourage everyone to utilize their federal resources. I decided to compile some of the services my office can offer you and hope my staff and I can be of assistance to you:"

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Gregory O'Dell Family Friends and the Whole  Texas  District 28th