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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Go Ahead Let Um Grown Up To Be Cowboys

Warriors Never Forget The Wounded and Dead
'There is nothing wrong with applications that work'
The Nuclear Talks Have Ended

The Stench of Texas Corruption Blazing Saddles 

Blazing the paperless VA Texas Trail
Localized not A national Political View as legislatures try to expand the focus as a national problem when it is a Texas problem with *Texas Solutions

August 2009 Town Hall Meeting Jurdonton Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar met with over 500 disabled veterans and survivors who had waited 48 months to eight years for a VA appeals. In many cases these veterans have waited another eight years for VA appeals processing as laws and rules were passed ordered by the United States Supreme Court concerning Agent Orange and Atomic veterans of World World II Korea and Vietnam Era. 

The Domain by general consensus where discharged without any medical records and before 'Your Right To Know Laws' form 00099 concerning hazardous work environments in the military were applied such as high risk noise environments, dangerous chemicals, asbestos, and weapons testing. Most had received a letter that their records were burned in fire in 1978 the actual numbers can be requested from 
Congressman Henry Cuellar offices. 

Still today the same number is gridlock by inaction by congress, who used detail information provided by they same veterans to write to laws that may or may not of benefited this domain the United States Supreme Court Rulings clearly expressed to  benefit not take away and make this domain the priority over any other group and yet we all still wait in gridlock as the VA tries to match a paperless systems to records destroyed in fires or dry storage or records never in the hands of the veteran. 

My personal experiences by working with other veterans and the Texas Veterans 'Beat the backlog commissioned" it seems to be any veteran discharged prior to 1981 from active duty Nation guard records Prior to 1986. 

The following actions were illegal solutions and caused death and harm by inaction and inappropriate Action by the State of Texas

A contract called '1,000,000 veterans for human research' have been ask to sign a statement that they met none of these conditions unknowingly by the veteran and possibly unknowingly expressed by the Veterans Commission. Many of this domain have been given instructions not to use e-benefits but to personally go to the nearest Texas Veterans Commission or other offices to have their already assign Power of Attorney speed up the process, not slow it down. 

Many that met with Henry came from Atascosa County Texas depriving the County of social welfare while waiting 16 years for entitlements due them some living in improvised conditions or homeless attacked by the previous incumbent X-Governor Rick  Perry orders given to the Sheriff Department by x-governor Rick Perry just arrested for abuse of power  tormented these people with intense interrogation accused of being free riders and subjected to the worse forms of Surveillance. 

Many cases, These veterans owned mineral rights in Eagle ford Shale and had the added pressure of Private Investigative Firms case and stalk their whereabouts on campuses and and tracked wherever they moved. Including illegal intrusive  devices in their own homes reported to HHS and FBI including victims of Terrorism and *unsolved homicides and suicides waiting for the process of paperwork for 16 years for entitlements due them by law.

Lytle City Hall
14916 Main
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Lytle, TX
Office Closed 456135816 requested to represent Atascosa County in proxy of the Congressman absenceHave a question about neighborhood office hours? Call my toll free number at 877-780-0028

Many of these case have still not been heard and the veterans has been blocked from making a plea to a federal judge access guaranteed by law.

Reference:  Dallas OCR On The Same Page
Tuesday, 05/26/2015, By End of Day
You Got It Prosecute It

Unlawful Targeting of Texas Disabled University Students 2000-2015

On October 18, 2008, the first thing I said was, “Did you know another campus shooter killed a librarian today in San Antonio? They all shrouded their shoulders, as if it was nothing; however, campus violence was the whole purpose of the meeting! I sat down and started reading a document I prepared listing every single time I was denied a service or access and each and every time they invaded my privacy to show them the retaliation and discriminatory practices for anybody on the Disability roster “Schindler's List.” A data manipulation of interest, they gave me credit for nuclear physics classes that I never attended and reported it immediately to the Omnibus-man signed “Whistle Blower” Gregory O’Dell. 

The Weaning Alma mater Mothers Milk drys


Dear Friends, 
This weekend, I was humbled to have Bexar County's newest all-digital library named after me, the Dr. Ricardo Romo 

CIT Texas DPS Confess To the Crimes of Human Exploitation and Military Demoralization District 28th 23rd

Take Action EO 7/23/2015
Take Affirmative Action Today and Reprint every card and Rename these Texas agencies that masquerade as the CIA, United States Secrete Service, and the United State Department. Release the prisoners that were fooled by theses treasonous names and the threat of war against the United States of America by the previous incumbent just arrested for abuse of power. This Naming scheme was part of the Tea Party Rebellion against the United States to hide grand larceny and freely target TS Veterans with intense interrogation Torture on campuses still out of compliance which is all Texas campuses excluding military campuses

Victims know it by the abuse and homicides
and the FBI knows it by police reports

The Way The Texas Legislative Branch is Bent the Way The Whigs will grow
This map was done in draft in 1994 

Full FBI Investigation revived Victims request full prosecution of those of Public Trust named in the indictment including previous incumbents who officially requested legal representation to protect [tEXAS hACKS bLOCK 07/25/2015 pROMPTING ] 
Human Exploitation Other Electronic and Military Demoralization
First used in Texas By Bush EO

Human Exploitation and Military Demoralization
Take Action EO
Take Affirmative Action Today and Reprint every card and Rename these Texas agencies that masquerade as the CIA, United States Secrete Service, and the United State Department. Release the prisoners that were fooled by theses treasonous names and the threat of war against the United States of America by the previous incumbent just arrested for abuse of power. This Naming scheme was part of the Tea Party Rebellion against the United States to hide grand larceny and freely target TS Veterans with intense interrogation Torture on campuses still out of compliance which is all Texas campuses excluding military campuses

Saturday, July 11, 2015

VA Texas is in Default United States Supreme Court Ruling

 They only worked the Camp Le Jeune claim
For that I am truly grateful.If I knew filing as instructed for Camp Le Jejune would of delayed and wreck all the previous work i would of never filed the form instructed by The Texas Veterans Commission.
Not my problem a VA systemic Problem and Korean Vietnam Veterans Should not be delay one more day!
Rock of Ages Cleft for me

Thank you for working the Camp Lejeune Claim the only claim worked still have contentions setting on a desk somewhere and it is not a political decision it is by law 1998 and grandfathered to what benefits me the comatose applicant 456135816 the best see supreme court ruling VA is in Default.

This CP exam was 100% by a third party request as an audit check and found to be true the CP exam in May 2014 is false and had no records to review. So Just Pay the Calim.

M-M-BCS before They delineated coma 2ndary to all contentions example Ionizing scare left leg. See Criminal Investigation Still open for those involved with the big bio-chemical attack in US history killing 250,000. 

"They Died With Their Boots On" The Bush Empire Strikes Back with No Authority
When the War Spreads 
To South Central Texas
The Easiest investigation in the world – 
Who Got the Money?
'We find it very hard to believe that our previous President Bush is Aware of Security Firm treasonous acts paid for by your own tax dollars to bring all Texans harm.'

Treated for service connection up to 2004 then records lost."I could not understand after the new president George Bush landed on my airport or the abandoned Kelly AFB that still would be abandoned without our Fedex Italy Crew decided by a postcard picture of the Alamo framed and hanging on my office wall, why all my history was missing encrypted by United States State Department as Consulate Appointee ....?"
See Treatment Records VA Lake City Florida and Italy Service Connected 1978-1998 20 %
or did the Bush's Private Security Firms Hack Those Files Too from the Day George Bush Landed On My Airport Kelly AFB Privitizer 2001? We should of left it all in Alabama!

Hack now by Criminals That do not want to go to jail - 14:52 07/20/2015

Reference EOC Claim San Antonio Texas [The List]

To Penetrate the Obscure Jungle into the Light
by Gregory O'Dell 10/22/2013

See Paragraph Three

*Whistleblower is just the name of the blog so make an arrest today
See Texas State Senator Campbell referencing "Texas morals and beliefs" and my letter received by Lt Governor Dan Patrick

Who has my VA entitlements delaying my 100% USAF Service Connected Entitlements on their desk today 07/11/2015?

Weapons testing now Aggravated by Intense Interrogation and Torture in the State of Texas, and separation from family and professional associations see VC15124955 [systemic problem with numbers and the nomenclature of the crime committed no response by any advocate.] 

Had to drive to Laredo 150 miles to the Mexican border to get access to my congressman to hand carry outstanding FBI complaint by 456135816 requested by the FBI Headquarters D.C.. Received by FBI DC 4 days ago.

456135816 has had no access to goods services or education for eight years with an itemized spreadsheet of money allotted and could not be used VARP for education on UT system expanded to any campus in Texas. 

Other Valid OCR claims money stolen from me the student 456135816 and the Department of Education. 

Reference Communication and Utility Blackout Electronic Scrambling Censorship and Test Applications that fail – clearly expressed under “the strictest surveillance you cannot add on or take away from what really did happen” to the police, Judge and reports and FBI updates or all surveillances are moot.

Verizon is getting away with murder see Greg Abbott O’Dell Yahoo Microsoft vs Verizon – Who got my money?

Yes! They can hear me now and anything in my home or yours! If it is truly Marshal law you have a right to shot them on site!

Friday, July 10, 2015

DVD Death Valley Days They did know then what they knew now.

Republican "Death Valley Days"
Human Exploitation and Military Demoralization

Can Only Be Seen By The Abused
Produced by Patricia Tracey and Ann O'Dell

VHS Death Valley Days

VHS Blazing Saddles and Kool Hand Luke FAA Communication Illegally Tapped By Bush H. W. Mandate Shipped To Riyadh Saudi Arabia from Lake City Florida After the First Bombing By Osama bin Laden 1995 "Too Many Witness To Kill"
Anyway you twist it this Cowboy 456135816 Gets Paid And Anyone Associated with 456135816 get's paid

Read the Police and FBI Report Not my Blogs The Ones I submitted not the ones they lied about

“Sen. Campbell has done a great job in leading senators to advance the laws that protect our basic rights from infringement. SB 531 upholds Texas morals from foreign laws that contradict or violate our laws and our beliefs.
 By Texas law I am still married to Anne Paterson - O'Dell

They did know then what they knew now. 
"There is no such thing as a non-lethal weapons"

Cocked 12:37am 07/11/2015
A Sledge Hammer
Takes Both Hands To Pull Back and Cock