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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Threat “Get a Room the Train Robbers” by the Train Robbers

 Information they Stole from You and Me

The United States Copyright Office Owes We over 50 Copyrights paid in full that including the abuse of Texas and Terrorism going back twenty years plus the writing on my “Big Chief Tablet and Number 4 Charcoal Pencil” to be hand press on an Ancient AB DICK Printer.

Every Single Book That Plagiarized Me
 You Will Pay The Price

The Train Illustration Was A Congressional Project
The Outcome of Global Economic Crisis Recovery for Non-insider Traders
Very Good Examples And I Have More

Data Miners Hackers Year of Doom

"You Can Bullshit Some of the People some of the time but you cannot Bullshit all the people all the time (Gene Autry)"

10/30/2014 1. Dear FBI it protocol that call you and have over the last five register valid criminal complaints against the state of Texas the last threat on or before October 31 2014 was met while I trying to sleep and another helicopter fly over less than 6000 feet direction due west right over the top of my house again by intent and if they used electronics or radionics I expect the whole Texas National to be grounded and the General brought before a military tribunals. It is no secret that the Governor of Texas and Greg Abbott use not just federal funds by incorporated private security firms that include the CIA who has yet to call me or resolve the attacks out of ignorance and greed. 2. Please begin a criminal investigation of the threat I received from the Observatory at Texas A&M which many not be connected but the students bragged they were using the scope for clandestine proposes and I cannot give a date today because I am being hacked by the same private security firms that murder for hire and connect to George P. Bush. It matter to anyone who is elected Greg Abbott and George P. Bush have disqualified themselves by conspiracy against the United States 10/30/2014 Do not forward to the people that did these crimes they have history of deadly retaliation. I am a protected witness, informant, victims of several Terrorist acts of mass destruction just by fate both domestic and foreign. I did my constitutional duty to you and fellow Americans it expect protection from your office End Report

Houston VA There is Problem Penalty Higher Punishment Personnel at VA Lied

I Am The Fly On The Wall
If you were a fly on the wall the Senate Story is Torture of U.S. Citizens not the enemy in the United States of America

First post 04/10/2014

G. O'Dell Due Millions Info led To Arrest Conviction and Death Several Terrorist

In Memory of Albert Garner 4410 Trail wood Drive San Antonio Texas. Al is remembered by all the great Rock Bands from San Antonio homeboys like Steve Earl, KISS, Rat, and the Rolling Stones you name ‘um - Al was there as a Promoter, Sound Expert, and Friend to all and even old Willie Nelson “The Luckenbach Texas Gang.” 

My fondest memory is when Al intervened between a member of the Rat band and Charlie Pride.  I believe if Al was not there that evening, Charlie Pride would have killed  the anonymous British musician.   

Senate Investigation after the Death of Osama bin Laden

Texas Private Security Firms

You Tried To Kill Our Dreamer

Texas Senator Cruz how is my case coming?

The End of Electronic Torture

Why Should I Just Sit Here When Perry Has All My Data and Gave It To Houston Se who Embedded Drug Trafficking Images in my P.C. and They Case My House and Tried To Kill Me (See FBI Not Me)

I Am Not Going To Let Tea Party RICO Perry Have Any Secrets He Needs To Be In Prison Today!

Why Should Just The Criminals Know

Then You Ask Questions Later Like 

Fort Hood?

Ted Cruz can be His Bunk Mate

We Don't Know What Happened? 

Maybe the Killer ate a Twinkie

"The Twinkie Defense (DOD)"

by Gregory O’Dell

I finally passed the chip

If you were a fly on the wall the Senate Story is Torture of U.S. Citizens not the enemy in the United States of America and about billions in white collar crime stolen by the Texas Tea Party from the rightful owners the real Elite of Texas.

The Tea Party

Death Threat Reported Today 

I of 2 targets 1 is Dead
OCR Failed To Act On A Valid Complaint
and People Died
Why Should Just The Criminals Know

Then You Ask Questions Later

We Don't Know What Happened? 

Maybe the Killer ate Christmas Cake and Cookies with the OCR

"The Christmas Defense (OCR)"

The hackers today show me the wrong date Perry signed RP08 before the 911 Attack

"The Tea Party They Saw It Coming"

And Profited Off of Terrorism!

Eight Congressional Hearings after I reported from the abuse not the information supplied. I am one - Gregory O’Dell and anyone associated with me, which includes the biggest oil find in the last 100 years. 

Senate investigators and CIA officials already are locked in a simmering dispute over competing claims of wrongdoing in the congressional investigation. Feinstein accuses the agency of improperly monitoring the computer use of Senate staffers and deleting files, undermining the Constitution's separation of powers. The CIA says the intelligence panel illegally accessed certain documents. The Justice Department is reviewing criminal complaints against both sides.

Scarlet “You're free Elisa” 

Elisa: “You mean I can walk down that road and go anywhere I want?” 

 Scarlet: “Yes Elisa! You can walk down road anywhere you Want! - "Gone with Wind" actual quote blocked from  people whose paycheck is waste of Texas State Funds - Not NSA!

If It Can Happen It Will Happen and Did Happen

Scarlet “You're free Gregory” 

Gregory: “You mean I can walk down that road and go anywhere I want?”

 Scarlet: “Yes Gregory! You can walk down road anywhere you Want! 

Gregory: I think I will walk all the way to the bank as soon as appropriations cuts my check.

There is nothing stopping the OCR from making an arrest Today even after you pay the victims. To stall another day to pay me the victim is a moot notion and what happens to criminals is up to the FBI - They are Supreme.

"Once criminal charges are filed in Texas it is like 1876 you cannot stop it." 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Threat Reported ’Farmer Where is Build’

If I were Toyota I would not build in Plano Texas for Good Reason Perry RP08 Hitler’s Last Stand
Town Leveled By High Pressure Front 
This Point of National Security should be reason enough to put Rick Perry in leg irons cuffs and take gun away and put him the 
Atascosa County Jail
by Law
*link sources are all credible Media sources in print
The Travis Court Case is A Travesty
To Protect George P. olitics
*link sources are all credible Media sources in print
First Post 10/28/2014
They all saw it! Nobody dared doubt It!

"The dusty young rider, pulls out the letter he carried from the Alamo"

Nobody dared doubt the letter he held deep inside his shirt. They all saw it, nobody dared doubt, it was different; it was another time, they jumped up shouting for joy leaping heavily into the pool. The water churned; the air stirred a dust wind rose up about them; there it was looking right at them. It was the eye of the coyote. The men didn't know what to do, they looked around to turn and run; but it was too late.

Kamikazes from the hundredth Wall Street floor, swan- dive to street.  They all got busted and can’t take it no more.
We All Heard It

"We're trying to tell the world what the rule of law is (X-FBI Director William Sessions as he and Rick Perry steal Billions from the Federal Government under DA Susan Reed's Blind Eye)." 

One of the ITVERP claims is in  hands at the OIG Advocate office, concerning unknown parties of VA Data manipulation. We cannot control my system to get a copy of importance, because of hackers that get paid to report my reports, which is redundant and they should be dismissed.
How many?  Thousands of other veterans are treated this way? I know because I answered the suicide hotline until Texas Blocked by phone. Shut down the machine that kills - SAPD manslaughter hacking.

What happens when no investigators ask me a single question but just pay hackers to data mine? The Data Miners put U.S. in danger. Data mining is a linguistic systemic problem that kills.
My email is blocked by intent or error. Now I have to use limited income for FedEx to ship to the DOJ AND THE FBI.

Nah! It's Cheaper and the transmission is encrypted by going to the VA Advocate Office hand carried.

Reward money is removed from CIA Budget 
CIA Layoffs Ahead
They Are a Corporation and They Failed to Respond
That no way to run a business
The CEO Goes To Jail

You Can Start with First OCR Plea for Relief of another Will Hurd UTSA Campus "I Use to work for the CIA" working with FBI Agent and DOD office that questioned “A protected ward of State” once he has her cornered as a disabled woman in distress at UTSA. I won't mention their names because I don't want him to be harmed like "Me and My Whole Family"

Washington (CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder took aim at former Defense and CIA chief Leon Panetta on Monday, whose recently-published memoir accused President Barack Obama of vacillating over policy in Syria and damaging U.S. credibility.

Here is credible sources Leon left out which adds to my credibility of death threats from publishing company in Britain from 
Treasonous Navy Seal 

Stories from first person such the Princess Diana's tragic accident, Sonny Bono's Death, Stallone's Mother Treats me to his Winter Room, U.S. Plane Breaks Gondola Wire highest mountain Cable Lift in the world several fall to their deaths, and the chapter Leon left Out that endangers my life. If you're going to write a book about facts then do so! 
Houston Se CEO Goes Jail
I Expect to see arrest Today

Proof UTSA Rejected and I paid out of pocket
See UT Houston Complains about the way UTSA Retaliated Against Me
I Attended UT Houston On my Own expense
because UTSA failed (Kept the money) to pay my
FASA for 7 Semesters and Lied To the FBI

I Had To Report Each Time Just To Get My Tuition After Spending my Own
Did The School Learn Something?
No They Are Still Retaliating Put Them In Prison
The Governor Rick Perry Tea Party
They Come in Throw my Bedroom Window
and Yours Too!

Atascosa County We Have Gallows in Operating Conditions
The Only County With Gallows in the USA

Texas Governor Rick Perry Welcome to Atascosa County
Bring Henry Cuellar With You


Here is an updated file after I was breach last night, still receiving threats while reporting 7 years of abuses, burned farms, murder, suicides, corruption, you name it! I have no other place to report to except a copy will go to the FBI and Congressman Henry Cuellar and the DOJ via the DOD VA advocate.

One of the ITVERP claims is in B’s hands at the OIG Advocate office, concerning unknown parties of VA Data manipulation. We cannot control my system to get a copy of importance, because of hackers that get paid to report my reports, which is redundant and they should be dismissed.
How many?  Thousands of other veterans are treated this way? I know because I answered the suicide hotline until Texas Blocked by phone. Shut down the machine that kills - SAPD manslaughter hacking- Not my phone that saves lives.

What happens when no investigator ask me a single question but just pay hackers to data mine? The Data Miners put U.S. in danger. Data mining is a linguistic systemic problem that kills.
My email is blocked by intent or error. Now I have to use limited income for FedEx to ship to the DOJ AND THE FBI.

Nah! It's Cheaper and the transmission is encrypted by going to the VA Advocate Office hand carried.

PS: Too bad If You Left D.C. early, hand delivered 14:30 Hours Central Time 10/21/2014 Today – End Report.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Filed Today Dallas OCR Do Not Fail Again Lives Depend ON YOU

Department of Homeland Security Wake Up!

Dallas OCR Do Not Fail Again Lives Depend ON YOU
First posted 08/31/2014
It is the case that a credible news sources 10/25/2014 Kens5 TV reported ‘TV Jacking ‘ or hacking whereas; the viewer(s) of one media device and it is best to stay with the common television as an example, do not view the same information as others. See my earlier complaints that date back with witnesses several years, that include suicides and homicides reported the San Antonio FBI. Laws that work where in place and have been modified , see subliminal messages on movie screens dating back 50 years, proven to cause dangerous behavior such as the suicides and homicides unknown to the subject viewing the movie screen. Monetary losses are a different concern, while loss of life is an immediate concern for all Unites States Citizens to participate by reporting terrorism, again not defined as the moot legal arguments that have failed-  some work others do not. An Australian medical company now making a claim  on a credible media source Kens 5 TV 10/25/2014 of restoring of human hearts removed from the body and keeping it alive for four hours, which  is a tweaked device that my father owns the patient right and the original device is proven to keep a heart alive after removal in a small shipping device that can ship anywhere by U.S. Postal Services and the heart will still be alive and recoverable because of his patient, who along with me as witness developed and made claim to patient rights the first kidney transplant holding device that made transplants possible today, his rights may or may not in legal sense noted above,  include his direct work of  the  well know heart pump machine that was developed to benefit mankind without any reward. My Father whose name is noted on several concerns including the thief of billions in white collar crime of mineral rights reported to the FBI also owns some 32 other live saving devices that are not just monetary loss by my father, but a causal link to the loss of life by the University of Texas the system of multiple complaints including the first applied process by Gregory O’Dell of the plating of  ceramics that other companies are using that revolutionized the way we store and save power with is a monetary loss and the least of my concern but it should be investigated because it links to other life saving devices that death is accountable to hackers, patient thieves, and systemic failure of law enforcement system that places everyone’s life in danger . see Reports Mention above

Then Then Space Fat Then Space Then Fat Then Space Fat Space Then
Fat Space Then Space Fat Then Fat Then Then Then Th n Space Fat Space
Then Then Space Then Fat Space Then Then Fat Space Then Space Then
Then Then
And Can Hear A Boggy approaching 0505 08/31/2014

I Cannot step Foot on Any College or University in Texas
Even Teach a GED Class
Five Productions Studio Systems Blown Out By Texas Fusion Center and Well Over $30,000.00 In Software. Communications cut off from my associations who are professional actors, production techs, Engineers and content stolen in the millions  - Patient and copyrights 
But These Are Monetary Losses. When Texans Talk About Crimes Against Humanity

We are talking about genocide, manslaughter, Murder, Quicksilver Wars, Mineral Rights, Patient Rights, and Government Contracts Breached By The State of Texas. Fusion Centers, Once Called Governor Rick Perry 'Command and Control Centers' then spread across the U.S.A. as  Fusion Centers. After several Congressional investigations they were nothing more than hoodlums, thieves, and network of state Terrorist.

Many Texans working High Tech Jobs for Minimum Wage Sought Work Overseas.
In Italy they called me a 'Wetback'
Nobody attack me with Military Force
Remove The Lunatic Governor Rick Perry from Office
Before He Kills Again!
ITVERP Valid International Terrorism Claim
Against UT System and The Governor of Texas

Friday, October 24, 2014

What is Bush Meat How Does It associate Gov Rick Perry Ebola

Texas Get Out And Vote These 
'Commie Red Republicans'
 Out of Tejas
The Devine Texas Clan
250,000 Votes Strong

The World's Smallest Most Effective Electric Guitar 
Assimilates Faster than any known Electronic Device
 "Just as in human society, where reason promotes virtue, so too does it breed vice (O'Dell 2007)."

Diseases also take their toll on this primate species especially Ebola. Ebola causes sever cases of diarrhea that can, and does cause death. Ebola of a resent strain killed of 12 chimps in the Tai Forest of Cote d’ivoire. Most notably, this hardy primate will transfer to new areas once deforestation has taken it toll; however, groups are often caught in isolated pockets and can not retreat to another habitat (Inskipp).

The biggest threat to the survival of the chimpanzee is aggressive tendencies. Some chimpanzee’s carcasses have been noted to have been killed by leopards and lions; however, these are rare cases. 

Some cultures within its range still illegally hunt the chimp for bush meat. Others of this species are taken for laboratory experiments and the illegal animal trade.

But who am I to tell you how to live and I sure wish these Texas Bushmen would get out of my life and get their own! They get paid for hacking and plagerizing my work and yours!

A Sanskrit writer figured it out a long time ago and wrote down something like this “We are all connected by a cord so thin it cannot be seen and so strong it cannot be broken, to all things big and small.” If what he or she was saying is true, why do we need electronic devices that waste 75% of our day we could be enjoying in so many other ways …………………………

We Found Another Place That Free

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

All The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

The FBI Tip Page Is Not Safe 

Be Glad Somebody Said It

How Stupid Can They Be They Open Us Up For Terrorist Attacks 

Not Edited

Original Post 1647 10/30/2014 1. Dear FBI it protocol that call you and have over the last five register valid criminal
complaints against the state of Texas the last threat on or before October 31 2014 was met while I trying
to sleep and another helicopter fly over less than 6000 feet direction due west right over the top of my
house again by intent and if they used electronics or radionics I expect the whole Texas National Guard to be
grounded and the General brought before a military tribunals. It is no secret that the Governor of Texas
and Greg Abbott use not just federal funds by incorporated private security firms that include the CIA
who has yet to call me or resolve the attacks out of ignorance and greed. 

2. Please begin a criminal 
investigation of the threat I received from the Observatory at Texas A&M which may not be connected 
but the students bragged they were using the scope for clandestine proposes and I cannot give a date 
today because I am being hacked by the same private security firms that murder for hire and connect to 
George P. Bush. It matter to anyone who is elected Greg Abbott and George P. Bush have disqualified 
themselves by conspiracy against the United States 10/30/2014 Do not forward to the people that did 
these crimes they have history of deadly retaliation. I am a protected witness, informant, victims of 
several Terrorist acts of mass destruction just by fate both domestic and foreign. I did my constitutional
duty to you and fellow Americans it expect protection from your office End Report

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The CIA's Behavior is Concerning Greg Abbott and Which Brother Is It

Which of the Seven is a Turkey Farmer?
They Don't Know
So They Attack all
 "The Magnificent Seven"
Poultry Farmer Recognizes Murders at U.S. Post Office
See Open Aged Murder Case of My Uncle that Has An Association with Rick Perry
In comments of this blog page - "We are all tied together with a cord so small it can not be seen. So strong it cannot be broken - "A Band of Brothers""

Department of Homeland Lessons not learned 
Now Hackers Pay Price

How Many Lives Are Worth 
A Fist Full of Silver Dollars?
A Fist Full of Silver Dollars

The Disabled Community Knows Greg Abbott’s Apology is a cover for Abbott’s Federal Criminal Acts 
"Crimes against Texas Disabled Persons"
The GOP Communist Little Red Box

PLease disclose before the election what has been illegally kept from the people of Texas 552.324 Report Failure and corruption and 552.301 did not comply with the time period and any other assistance against retaliation which has been on-going as reported to the FBI.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Kamikazes from the hundredth Wall Street Floor

 Too Big to Jail? 'Lunacy' or Lunatic Tagging is Common law in Texas  

Lunacy' is a Texas Common law problem they cannot erase see volumes of courtroom records where the weak, disabled, elderly,women, and children have been abused and their assets taken illegally by the court in Texas.

First Post 12/05/2013 Retracted 'Indictment' Bad Source 

RICO Texas Governor Rick Perry Is a Wanted Man

Conspiracy against Texans and the United States of America

Not Too Big to Jail! Fence in RICO Texas Governor Rick Perry Hunting Camp [edited], Throw in the Texas Gang of Four and give me the Keys - Command Control Centers Operated by Greg Abbott ‘Texas Fusion Campaign Centers.” RICO Texas Governor Rick Perry Is a Fugitive and is Wanted by The FBI
‘Conspiracy against Texans and the 
United States of America’.
Texas State Patriotism
A Gift To George W. Bush Never Delivered
How Do Want It Shipped?

Victims of Sovereign Economic Texas State Sponsored Terrorism 
 'Lunacy' is a Texas Common law problem they cannot erase see volumes of courtroom records where the weak, disabled, elderly,women, and children have been abused and their assets taken illegally by the court in Texas. To remove the term 'Lunatic' is like removing the term 'murder' like it does not happen. A matter of thousands of pages of court documents. And her is a term that is in our dictionary may we never never forget 'Niger' Too Big to Jail? Fence in RICO TX Governor Rick Perry Niger Head Hunting Camp
RICO Texas Governor Rick Perry Indicted by Se I.T. Tea Party Rebellion and Insurrection